Starting out the school year, the swim and dive team held their first meet on September 19th. The meet included both swim and dive competitions in which our team was split up into two separate teams in order to go head to head. And although it’s early in the season, their performance at the meet shows they’re more than ready to tackle this year.
“Our performance was pretty good; we did well as a team. I’m proud of us,” freshman Nicholas Lopez said.
With the season already underway, the team is making sure to partake in both work and play by holding rallies in which they race each other in unicorn floats. Traditions like these prove they’re more than just a team; they are a community, and although being a part of it isn’t easy, for the members, it’s home.
“My favorite thing about being on the team are the meet days and going out to get food after,” sophomore Ava Carr said.
Swim and dive might not be for everyone; however, for many students, it’s a part of their identity. It’s both a sport and a community in which they choose to pursue accomplishment and connection, and for some, their dedication to the sport goes beyond the school’s team, and possibly even beyond high school.
“In college I hope to swim, if not for the school, either in a club or recreationally,” senior Heath Luebsen said.
It’s needless to say the team’s passion for the sport is unmatched, and with the rest of the year to look forward to, the team is more ready than ever to dive right in.